Saturday, May 1, 2010


A few of my loyal friends have noticed that it's been a while since I posted a new blog entry (January 10 was my last update).  After several inquiries about it, I thought I'd better fish or cut bait--either bunch the blog, or renew my commitment to it.  I know, this isn't a matter of great importance one way or the other. But I did feel compelled to review the arguments for both options.

On the "bunch it" side were these factors: 

1.  I tend to forget to blog when I'm busy with work-related stuff, suggesting that I believe blogging is not as high a priority as the work that pays the bills.  This, in turn, confirms that I view my blog less as a "marketing" tool for my business than a vehicle for personal self-expression. 

2.  I wonder whether I have anything worthwhile to say.  Do people expect profound insights from blogs, or do they just expect something interesting and fun to read? (You can help answer this question!)

3.  It feels self-important and self-indulgent to keep writing on the assumption that my personal views and experiences are meaningful to anyone else.  I've never been particularly good at self-promotion.

4.  I started out writing about new technology and social media, but ended up spending more time participating in social media than writing about it. (Yes, I've become Twitter-dependent.)

On the "renew commitment" side I listed these points:

1.  I like to write and the blog gives me a chance to express my own views in my own way, something I can't do when writing for business.

2.  I am an opinionated person (I know, you're shocked--SHOCKED!!), and can rarely resist the opportunity to share my opinions, whether other people appreciate it or not.

3.  It's okay to be self-indulgent because I'm getting old and I deserve it.

4.  Every other PR hack on the planet has a blog and I will look like the lamest of losers if I don't have one too.  I've never been good at self-promotion, and this is a relatively painless way to elevate my profile without being embarrassed.

I think the "renew" side outweighs the "bunch it" side of the ledger, so I'm back in the game.  I'll try to be better about posting regularly, and I won't feel compelled to write about any particular topic.  Technology, current events, politics, food and wine, entertainment--I'm going to have fun expressing my "inner Ellen Goodman" and I hope you will stick with me for the ride.  

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