Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Remember when you were a kid, and you'd dream that you went to school in your jammies and everybody laughed? Well, it appears that those juvenile dreams were prophetic. I've just signed up for an on-line meeting service, Webex, that makes it possible for me to convene and attend meetings while sitting at my computer in my bathrobe, slamming coffee.

For the record, there are other providers of on-line meeting services, so this is not intended as a commercial for Webex. I haven't really used the service yet, so it remains to be seen whether it works as well as advertised. But the demo I watched online surely impressed me.

I decided to scope out Webex after talking with one of my clients. We were commiserating over what we anticipate will be a low turnout at our midyear meeting. Between travel costs and staff cuts, many companies are sending fewer people to industry gatherings. I suggested that the Board of Directors hold its mid-year meeting online instead.

The Webex system enables you to convene a meeting with up to 25 people. Each participant receives an invitation email containing a link to your Webex meeting center. The email also contains a password so that you can be admitted to the meeting when you arrive at the site. If the host wishes to have a conference call while gathered at the site, a toll-free number is provided.

The amazing thing is that once you're at the Webex meeting site, everyone sees the same documents you see. As host, you control the cursor, but you can hand over control to another group member at any time just by pushing a button.

For example, you might review one part of a new business proposal, and then turn the cursor over to someone else responsible for another portion. The host can reclaim control at any time.

If your computer has a built-in camera, as mine does, you can activate it so group members can see each other during the meeting. I quickly confirmed that this particular feature is optional for each participant. Since the whole point is being able to meet while still in my jammies, I'd probably skip the video, although I suppose I could make an effort to look presentable from the neck up.

You can even take an audio recording of the call so that people who were unable to attend can listen later.

I can't wait to have an excuse to use this service. Talk about feeling like a kid with a new toy!

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