Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Magic!

Wow, this is like magic! I just sent out the e-mail announcing my new blog a few minutes ago and I already have comments and followers. It reminds me of a story my brother told me about when he and his family got a new washing machine after being without one for months. They loaded that baby up with dirty clothes, added the soap, pushed the button...and then stood there watching the clothes go up and down and around in the agitator. "Jeez, it works. Cool." Thanks, everybody, for checking me out! And guys, thanks for letting me know that those white patent leather go-go boots are probably worth more than I thought. Interestingly, none of my female friends thought them worthy of mention, but several of my male friends confessed to having a lingering affection for just that kind of footwear..too funny. Maybe I should put them up for sale on e-Bay as my next exercise in the art and science of social media!

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